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42 Rules for Planning AI in Your Contact Center:
Winner of the 2008 Sales Book Awards, Silver Medal

42 Rules for planning Ai in your contact center

"The 42 Rules series offers busy business leaders, like me, an opportunity to get our ideas out there in a clear, concise and fun way.  The books, the webcasts, and the push emails are a huge benefit to authors seeking marketing support for their books.”
Chris Muccio, Author of “42 Rules to 24-Hour Success with LinkedIn”

“I had set up a product briefing with one of the authors of one of the rules for my book. The briefing went well and I will meet him for lunch next week to talk about doing some work for their company. So this kind of marketing does work. Obviously I have my own twist on it, but it has kept my business up while others have gone down.”
David Coleman, Author Collaboration 2.0 and 42 Rules for Successful Collaboration

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Business with Books

Use a book to build your business. Writing a book immediately makes you an expert because books deliver instant credibility. Having an MBA or Ph.D. is great - but putting the word "author" in front of your name sets you apart in a way nothing else can. A lot of people would like to write a book, but only a few actually do. .

Independent publishing gives you the flexibility that self publishing a book can’t. Once you have published your book, you have a platform to grow your business; every person who buys or receives your book is a potential customer. Your book opens up new revenue opportunities like additional information products, services, and speaking opportunities which bring in new leads…and the cycle continues.

There are three essential elements to making a book work for you.

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